
S. No. Project Name Job Description
01 SK & F Pharmaceuticals. Novatex. Change Over Panel Main L T Panel, Distribution Boards,
02 GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Limited. Adjustment of Parameter of Automatic Genset Controller.
03 Hilton Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd. Auto Synchronizing / Auto Load Sharing System.
04 Merck Marker Pvt. Limited           Main LT-Panel, Distribution Boards.
05 Herbian Karachi. LT Panel & ATS / AMF MDB & Distribution Boards,
06 GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Ltd, F-268, S.I.T.E, Karachi. ATS/LV Panel for Pan Coating Procces  ATS Panel for Absorption Chillier.Cable Tray with Coupling and Covers 180 Meters.
07 GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Ltd, F-268, S.I.T.E, Karachi. LV Switch Board Panel, PFI Plant 600KVAr,  L.T Panel/Auto Synchronizing Auto Load Sharing/Load Take Off Panel.  
08 GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Ltd, West Wharf, Karachi L. T Panel, Distribution Boards